Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I have been getting together with a friend lately to try and do artwork. We knew starting out that we would have some failures and boy did we! But we had some great success too! We have been applying gesso to burlap and then using an overhead projector, putting the image onto the burlap. Funny, we both did horses and the horses look incredible. I hung mine in the dining room.

It is fun to just let go and get creative! What have you tried to do lately?


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hollywood Goes Social Networking

Did you know there is a movie coming out called "Social Network"? At least I think that is the name of it. Even Hollywood is getting on board with the social media thing!

On another front, my cat, Lucy, has been sick. She was throwing up after every meal. This was not fun for any of us. Took her to the vet and the best that that can figure out is she was really constipated! Once they opened her up, she seemed to be okay. I just hope she stays this way! Thought she had a hairball, but the xrays did not show one. Anyway, pray that she stays healthy!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Have you ever felt googley-eyed over something that someone was trying to explain to you or you were trying to learn? Boy, I am feeling that way right now. There is so much to learn regarding social media and how to use it to promote your business, etc.

My new job at Soluverse as Social Media Director is quite an opportunity for me. I am blessed to have people in my life that have faith in my abilities to do this job and I want to do a good job for them. There is so much "stuff" to sift through. I will be learning a lot in the next couple of months.

You never know where life's paths are going to take you, but I have the feeling I am about to embark on a big adventure! Stay tuned!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Another Facebook Story

One day, I was going through my emails and there was a facebook message from someone that I have not heard from in years asking me if I was Deb Sanderson from Fort Wayne who worked at GTE. Well, as it turns out, the person was a girl named Pam who I worked with at GTE. We had some crazy times together! I was thrilled to reconnect with her. I don't think this would have ever happened without facebook. You just never know who you are going to reconnect with in the future! Try reconnecting with someone that you have not seen in awhile -- it is really fun!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Everyone keeps saying how great Facebook is. I kept thinking, how can it be that good. Well, here is something that happened with a facebook posting that Kent did. You see, I have been decorating vintage bottles with vintage "things". My friend, Genia Gilchrist, has been selling them in her shop in Nashville. Kent was talking about them on facebook and my sister wanted to see them, so he posted a picture. Well, now I have people in Indiana, Florida, and Texas talking about them! Now my only problem is WHERE DO I FIND LOTS OF BOTTLES!?? I guess it is A Good Thing.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Things I Learned from my Webinar

I knew what a Seminar was, but I had never heard of a Webinar. A Webinar is where you go to a site and log in and listen to someone giving an online seminar. It was really cool. I sat in the comfort of my own house, ate lunch, took notes, and learned a lot. One thing I liked (and understood) the best was how to do a Google search that takes you to a more focused search. You just type in ___________(your focus or business type) Social Media Sites. It is amazing what comes up. You need to try it! I guess it doesn't take much to entertain me. Have a great weekend. Deb